San Diego CA Garage Door Opener Repair

Fix Garage Door Opener

Of critical importance to any garage door installation is the garage door opener. A well-designed and well-maintained automatic opener offers you lots of convenience and peace of mind. Modern garage doors can be very heavy, plus, their driving mechanisms generate a lot of force. Any attempt to operate them manually when the door opener fails can expose you to danger. Reports of people crushed to death or very severely injured by a garage door are, unfortunately, common enough.Save Your Money Now

Some of the time these incidences could have been avoided through proper garage door opener maintenance and by installing doors that measured up to the application they ended up being used for. Safety standards specify the installation of heavy-duty openers if the garage door will be used 8 or more times (or cycles) per day, standard-duty openers for between 5 and 8 times and light-duty openers only for those garage doors used less than 5 times per day on average. Usage beyond these design specs will lead to early breakdowns or unsafe operation even with proper maintenance.

Install and Repair Residential Garage Door Opener

Our industry-certified San Diego garage door opener repair technicians at San Diego Garage Door will help you choose garage door openers that suit your unique application. Are you installing for a residential property or for business? Our prices are reasonable either way.

Here are some telltale signs that your garage door needs attention: Your garage opener makes lots of rackety noises, or it is sluggish and unresponsive, probably only opens or closes halfway. The motor may emit a humming noise.

But sometimes, for automatic garage door openers, the problem could be the garage door remote control not working properly. These are just a few of the common garage door signs to warn you when your door opener is malfunctioning and needs attention.

Our technicians at San Diego Garage Door can easily diagnose the fault condition and fix the garage door opener. The quality of our workmanship is such that your garage door will then be practically good as new.

Garage Door Opener Installation